Religion,......................................................... Love, Fear and Hatred for Organized Religion

“……………is it the promise of 'paradise' or the fear of the 'fires of hell' that govern what we do?’’

Agnostic, semi religious, religious fanatic or atheist? Monotheist or Polytheist? How about a bit of everything? Does it really matter?

I really don't know what I believe with regards to religion, but I thoroughly dislike the way the major religions divide people. I particularly resent the way they often make people obsess (sometimes violently so) about rituals, so much so, that they lose sight of the bigger picture and the aim of simply being a good person.

At one time or another, I have been all of these – agnostic, religious, fanatic and sometimes, an atheist.
It is hard to have complete blind faith while there is so much bad stuff happening around me and I end up with a lot of unanswered questions:

1) If God is not racist, then why did He create the different races and castes?

2) If He created everything that why is there so much pain in the world?

3) If God and religion are focal points of love, peace and charity than why, for example, is the
Catholic Church, one of the richest institutions in the world, not doing anything about
A small percentage of the Vatican’s assets would be sufficient to fund and boost the economy,
infra-structure and education in Africa for decades.

4) Why are Islamic fundamentalists so bent on destroying the western civilization when more
than half of them move to set up secure lives there?

5) Why are the Hindus and Muslims in India and Pakistan at constant war after having spent
centuries together in brotherhood?

6) Why is that Religion and hypocrisy are a couple like bread and butter, salt and pepper and
Romeo and Juliet?

7) Is it the love of God or the fear of His wrath that keeps good people good?

8) Why is it that good things constantly happen to bad people and bad things to good people?

In my next book, I have talked about how humans have funny way of rationalizing this. When bad things happen to good people, they are being tested and when bad things happen to bad people, they are just getting what they deserve. When good things happen to good people, they are being rewarded and when good things happen to bad people, it is momentary and they will soon fall.

I would like to believe that someday, good things will happen but along the way I cannot help but be a realist and see things the way they actually are and it really is up to me (my choice) how I react and behave.
It is easy to praise some unknown force when things are good, and even easier to blame that same force when things are bad - and believe it or not, I consider myself to be Spiritual!

But these questions will always exist because even though Faith exists, my Faith is not blind. I may be an idealist but deep down inside I am a realist and I think that we have to come face to face with reality and that good and bad things do and will happen to both the good and bad people.

Sometimes life sucks and sometimes life can even be very unfair and painful. Our test is how we rise from any adversity and difficulty.

That is where I think organized Religion or some form of Spirituality, comes in.
Organized Religion & Spirituality (for those who do not want to be ‘religious’) breed wonderful strengths like love, compassion, humility, brotherhood and humanity.

Unless, the purpose of religion and message of God is misinterpreted to benefit the greed of power-hungry leaders, most Religions are quite advantageous and helping maintain our humanity.

Generally, Religion (more so, Spirituality) keeps me grounded and connected to community and culture. I am often angry at God. It is not possible to be angry at God and be a non-believer at the same time. So I geuss I am a believer. The humility involved in the act of prayer enables me to carry this humility to other aspects of my life with friends, family, work and life in general.
I believe, one can be spiritual and maybe not so religious; one can pray and still not be a part of organized (or dis-organized) religion.

I have asked constantly was God racist to create the different races and castes of man or has man made God to be racist because of his own insecurities?
Why does God have to be of the Hindus, Muslims, Jews or Christians? Why do I have to belong to any one of these groups?
Am I to be branded like a bull?

Every Religion I know preaches love, peace, brotherhood, tolerence and unity.
Of course, conditioning and family traditions and demographics play a large role in determining what we believe but ultimately, the choices are our own.

It is important to make the right choice for you rather than follow a crowd blindly like the gnu (wildebeest) do during their annual migration.
Conformity breeds armies, Individuality breeds human beings.

I think it is most important to follow one's heart. I do.

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