In the Webster's Dictionary, a 'martyr' is one who dies or suffers for principles, or sacrifices all for a cause. For centuries, there have been martyrs in the name of Religion. It is hard for me not to question, how different are we today?

Then, there seem to be a misconceptions and a misunderstandings on the real meaning of jihad. It actually means struggle.
Either the meaning of struggle is something other than mine or there are individuals who are simply misinformed, ill-educated and/or are easily influenced.
I think it is a bit of everything, and the leaders have used the misinterpretation to their advantage. Some have even condoned the change of meaning, to suit their own advantage.

I am convinced that most of the time the average person is misguided and misinformed.We know that the wars and strife that go on are very detrimental to the survival of mankind. The leaders of the world are making a big mistake whether they know it or not. But war is money and money brings power. We know from past history that all our attempts made to dissuade people from fighting and killing have been futile. India and Pakistan, Palestine and Israel, the Islamic extremists and the rest of the world, are all examples - naïve people misled to believe some figment of some demagogue’s imagination (or claims to be the word of God).

This is really not the right way to go. God has never said we should kill, injure, hate and judge (or misjudge).Not enough effort has been made to re-educate the population. All that is being done by the leaders and the media is adding fuel to the fire by feeding propaganda with more propaganda and speculation and these 'theories' turn into fact in the minds of the naïve and fuel the fights that have gone on for generations.

The ‘jihad’ or struggle should be one for love, brotherhood, peace, love, patience, tolerance and understanding. I consider the real martyrs to be those that 'sacrifice' violence to make place for brotherhood, peace, love, tolerance patience and understanding but instead we steal, loot, rape, pillage, behead and, blow up, to destroy the very essence of what has termed us human.

Whatever happened to humanity?


To seek dreams without slumber
To live life without degradation
To have neither pain nor tear
To love unconditionally without expectation
To sometimes win even without a try
To look beyond the shadows and adumbration
......and seek the light
To be a martyr without having to die
To live life fully without a fight
To laugh so hard I could cry
To use words and not might
To always speak and hear the truth without fabrication
To soar the winds like a kite
To have surrender without annihilation
To always love and not spite
To have a kingdom without commission
To question without anxiety
To belong without being a possession
To have identity
Without conformity
To be able to say what I mean
To be able to mean what I say

Will there really be a New Day?


Religion,......................................................... Love, Fear and Hatred for Organized Religion

“……………is it the promise of 'paradise' or the fear of the 'fires of hell' that govern what we do?’’

Agnostic, semi religious, religious fanatic or atheist? Monotheist or Polytheist? How about a bit of everything? Does it really matter?

I really don't know what I believe with regards to religion, but I thoroughly dislike the way the major religions divide people. I particularly resent the way they often make people obsess (sometimes violently so) about rituals, so much so, that they lose sight of the bigger picture and the aim of simply being a good person.

At one time or another, I have been all of these – agnostic, religious, fanatic and sometimes, an atheist.
It is hard to have complete blind faith while there is so much bad stuff happening around me and I end up with a lot of unanswered questions:

1) If God is not racist, then why did He create the different races and castes?

2) If He created everything that why is there so much pain in the world?

3) If God and religion are focal points of love, peace and charity than why, for example, is the
Catholic Church, one of the richest institutions in the world, not doing anything about
A small percentage of the Vatican’s assets would be sufficient to fund and boost the economy,
infra-structure and education in Africa for decades.

4) Why are Islamic fundamentalists so bent on destroying the western civilization when more
than half of them move to set up secure lives there?

5) Why are the Hindus and Muslims in India and Pakistan at constant war after having spent
centuries together in brotherhood?

6) Why is that Religion and hypocrisy are a couple like bread and butter, salt and pepper and
Romeo and Juliet?

7) Is it the love of God or the fear of His wrath that keeps good people good?

8) Why is it that good things constantly happen to bad people and bad things to good people?

In my next book, I have talked about how humans have funny way of rationalizing this. When bad things happen to good people, they are being tested and when bad things happen to bad people, they are just getting what they deserve. When good things happen to good people, they are being rewarded and when good things happen to bad people, it is momentary and they will soon fall.

I would like to believe that someday, good things will happen but along the way I cannot help but be a realist and see things the way they actually are and it really is up to me (my choice) how I react and behave.
It is easy to praise some unknown force when things are good, and even easier to blame that same force when things are bad - and believe it or not, I consider myself to be Spiritual!

But these questions will always exist because even though Faith exists, my Faith is not blind. I may be an idealist but deep down inside I am a realist and I think that we have to come face to face with reality and that good and bad things do and will happen to both the good and bad people.

Sometimes life sucks and sometimes life can even be very unfair and painful. Our test is how we rise from any adversity and difficulty.

That is where I think organized Religion or some form of Spirituality, comes in.
Organized Religion & Spirituality (for those who do not want to be ‘religious’) breed wonderful strengths like love, compassion, humility, brotherhood and humanity.

Unless, the purpose of religion and message of God is misinterpreted to benefit the greed of power-hungry leaders, most Religions are quite advantageous and helping maintain our humanity.

Generally, Religion (more so, Spirituality) keeps me grounded and connected to community and culture. I am often angry at God. It is not possible to be angry at God and be a non-believer at the same time. So I geuss I am a believer. The humility involved in the act of prayer enables me to carry this humility to other aspects of my life with friends, family, work and life in general.
I believe, one can be spiritual and maybe not so religious; one can pray and still not be a part of organized (or dis-organized) religion.

I have asked constantly was God racist to create the different races and castes of man or has man made God to be racist because of his own insecurities?
Why does God have to be of the Hindus, Muslims, Jews or Christians? Why do I have to belong to any one of these groups?
Am I to be branded like a bull?

Every Religion I know preaches love, peace, brotherhood, tolerence and unity.
Of course, conditioning and family traditions and demographics play a large role in determining what we believe but ultimately, the choices are our own.

It is important to make the right choice for you rather than follow a crowd blindly like the gnu (wildebeest) do during their annual migration.
Conformity breeds armies, Individuality breeds human beings.

I think it is most important to follow one's heart. I do.

Obsession with Speed

I think today's society is obsessed with SPEED.

The need to go faster, the speed to succeed, the speed to fall in love,the speed to fall out of love and find another, and the speed to regress and be younger.
It has to be faster and bigger and better.
I guess 'size' does matter (in some cases), so we can accept 'bigger'.
'Better' cannot be bad. It means progress and improvement but we really need to slow down and smell the roses (while we still have them).

Logic, sense, sensibility and commitment are now things of the past. What a shame!

Even Governments have stooped to these levels taking shortcuts to speed things up only to have them do the whole thing again because they were not done right in the first place.
The waste of tax payers hard earned money is another thing. The Governments are too quick in throwing money away.

Here is a quote I absoloutely love:
"Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance."
All governments and politicians must have this quote posted on their wall so that they can be reminded of its true meaning.

Feel free to agree or........disagree.
To the People of Kenya – Where My Family and My Heart Is
Posted by ismailimail in Africa, Ismaili Muslim Authors, Kenya. trackback
February 11, 2008

Author Alnoor Rajan Talwar writes for the people of Kenya.

In today’s times, when changes in the world have made progress inevitable, “Third World” countries will continue to remain underdeveloped. Not because they cannot progress, but because the people – the masses – will not give progress a chance.

I cannot understand the racial and tribal tensions that cause brothers to clash and disagree.
The “ Third World ” countries are well known for their political instability – whether caused directly by politicians themselves or indirectly by the followers of these same politicians. We have seen politics become the downfall of nations over the decades in history. To mention a few countries, we have Uganda , Ruanda , Zimbabwe , India , Pakistan , Israel , Korea and the list can be endless and will continue to remain endless, as long as there is strife that is led by “man” against “man”; as long as there is unrest between brothers and sisters.
I am fourth generation Kenyan. I was born in Kenya , just after the independence. This made me neither British, nor Kenyan.


Because someone, somewhere decided that babies born after December 1963 were “Uhuru Babies” and therefore we were neither British, nor Kenyan. So Kenya threw me out and The United Kingdom did not accept me.
That did not and does not stop me from being Kenyan. I will always be a Kenyan at heart.
By choice, I now live in Canada .

How then can such heartfelt, patriotic statements come from someone who chooses not live in Kenya?

Because I choose not to live in fear. Not because I am of Indian descent but because I can be targeted at any time for any reason.

If I am successful, the less successful target me for fast and easy money.
Since I am of a different race, I am targeted because of stereotyping – “I am of Indian descent, therefore I must be affluent”.
If I wear a watch or any jewelry, I am targeted on the street.
If I carry a wallet in my back pocket, I may never see it again.
I cannot live in this constant fear.

India never was and will never be home for me. I do not know it at all. I like to go there for vacations but that is it. My forefathers came from India – they came to improve their lives. They came to build the railways and set up businesses for the betterment of their families, their communities and their adopted country. They were not forced here. They came by choice. They had generations of kids who established themselves by sheer hard work and toil amidst the all the political turmoil that Kenya experienced with the World Wars, the British Rule and then, the fight for independence.
I, was not there myself but I can remember the fear in the stories I have heard.

Six years ago, I visited Kenya . The National Parks and Lodges and local hotels were empty of tourists. This is because Kenya was on the Top Ten List of countries “not to visit”. Crime, corruption and instability were at the highest peak possible. The previous regime, draining the country of its resources for personal gain, certainly did not help the situation.

Last year, I visited Kenya again. The hotels were full, the National Parks were buzzing with mini-vans and the lodges were a hub of activity with the economy on the rise and “Tourism” was the number one industry. This was the Kenya I knew. This was the Kenya I loved.
The Kenya where I could walk the beautiful beaches without being afraid of being mugged and robbed. The Kenya that I boast about is a country of vast contrasts, even in the people from the blood coated Maasai to the saree-clad Indian woman.
Where I could watch the sun rise over the Indian Ocean and see it set over the magnificent Rift Valley.
Where I could enjoy Irio in Nairobi or sun-dried fish in Kisumu with whole wheat Chapatis made by my grandmother while biting green chillies that “muhindis” are so well known for. And if I was in the mood for something else, I could go and eat “Fish & Chips” at the Blue Fin restaurant in Mombasa . This is what made Kenya unique. The people. Not all people are the same. We have people of different color and people of different tribes that make Kenya what it is. Just being of black skin, does not make you more Kenyan than others. Unfortunately, every time Kenya gains momentum in success and prosperity for a while, and then……… BANG! Something goes very wrong.

This political instability is the prime culprit of Kenya ’s downfall. Here we are 44 years after our fight for independence and we have come complete circle.
We seem to have learnt nothing from our past.
We now have to live with brothers fearing brothers, neighbors and friends burning businesses and homes and in constant fear for our lives and well-being.
This is not the Kenya I can love and there are many people like me – not Indians or Europeans, or Africans, not brown, white, yellow or black people but Kenyans that have to live in fear and have chosen to leave rather than continue living in fear. For some leaving the country is a choice. For others it is not.

That is why I left Kenya .

Because despite my being born a Kenyan, with a Kenyan passport, I will always be a “muhindi”.
I laugh when North American black people call themselves “African Americans” These are people who have never been to Africa and who have no idea of the plight of its people in the hands of the politicians. They have no right to be called “African Americans”.
I was born, educated and bred here and am familiar with the how the air smells – the fragrance of perfume of the Arab women in the streets of Mombasa, the smell of pine in the backyards of the homes in Nairobi, the smell of dried fish in Kisumu, the aroma of Indian spices on Ngara road and the smell of cow-dung in Ngong. and I have never been considered as Kenyan by the local people.

When the African people of Kenya themselves can show no unity toward the betterment of their country, what then, is the fate of a man of Indian descent trying to fit in and be one of the locals?
The Ismailies, Kikuyus, Digos, Mkambas, Shahs, Patels, Kalenjins, Bohras, Punjabis, Luos, Sikhs, Arabs, Nandi, Teitas, Maasai and many many more, are all people of Kenya . They are of different cultures and backgrounds. They have different eating habits, different foods, different languages and that difference is what makes them unique. They are also all Kenyan. Nobody has the right to deny that. Not all five fingers are the same. But when the five fingers come together, they sure make a mighty fist.

Instead of working with each other and capitalizing on each other’s strengths, we choose to fight, pillage and destroy to show our disagreement with the politics of the country. This is exactly what the politicians want. They prey on the disagreements of the people so that they can then come in and pretend to fix these and look important.

The present situation in Kenya is proof enough.

We no longer remain the people of Kenya , despite the different cultures and origins. We become the tribal and racial differences and these differences in turn govern our lives and lead our country towards nothing else but disaster.

There is a solution to all of these problems.

It is called “forgetting the differences and disagreements and working together to make Kenya a great home and destination for everyone.”
When Kenya fought for its independence, all the tribes came together and fought the British to bring us Uhuru!

Now, once again, we need to unite our strengths and skills and solve the food problems, education problems, the water problems, health issues, jobs situations, and most of all, create a political platform that recognizes and unites all of the peoples of Kenya, while improving their lives slowly but surely.
This approach will be for the betterment of all, and will ultimately improve the lives of each and every Kenyan.

As upsetting as it is, we have to overlook what has happened and start afresh to recognize all the races and tribes as the assets of Kenya .
This may not occur in a few months – it may take years. But progress, peace and prosperity will be the end result!

This was the vision of the father of our Nation, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.

The difference between a developing country and a developed country is order. The order of life, laws, rules and most of all, structure. I urge you to let us bring back the order and structure that we have recently re-introduced and lost once again.
Instead of identifying the problems and coming together to find solutions, we choose to loot, pillage and destroy years of hard work. This solves nothing.
This profits nobody………………. except the politicians

Kenya immortalized the phrase “Hakuna Matata” to the world.
It is time to prove this phrase true, more for us as Kenyans, than anything else.

I pray for the safety of my people – the Kenyan people.

Here’s a letter I sent to the local newspaper about unruly drivers:

Driving on the streets and on the highways has become unbelievably hazardous. The aggressiveness, rudeness and offensiveness are at levels beyond description. So I thought a polite reminder of road rules and etiquette would be nice to remind people that we are living together and therefore owe that to each other that we drive with regard for others’ welfare and well being. Not everybody is and wants to be a driver for the Molson Indy and some of us would like to drive the speed limit without being shown the finger or get angered looks.

The police are not always there to maintain order. You are driving because you have a license and that means that you had to learn the rules and are mature enough to follow them (although sometimes, I really doubt that).

The difference between a developing country and a developed country is order; the order of life, laws, rules and structure. Driving also, falls under this. I urge, let us maintain the order and structure that we have.

In the absence of law enforcement, these are 25 (not all) of the most important driving etiquette points that I feel one should be reminded of:

1) Be Polite. It makes you a better person.

2) Wear your seat belt before the car moves forward.

3) If something falls, or you are looking for something in the car or looking at a map, please pull
up to the side of the road.

4) Do not use a cell phone, apply make up, drink, do things that should be done in your bedroom or eat spaghetti, soup or melons while driving. Stop some where and/or rent a room (if you can’t wait).

5) Be Polite. It will spread like a plague.

6) Signal before turning or changing lanes. It is the lever on the side of the steering wheel. Use
it and help the other drivers know your intention of turning or changing lanes. And just because you have shown a signal, it does not give you the right to turn, wait to be let in. The other driver may not have seen you.

7) When someone wants to change the lane and signals, let them.

8) When you are accorded courtesy, say “Thank you”. Wave, smile, flash your lights. BePolite.

9) Nobody will think less of you.

10) Don’t tailgate (driving too close to the car in front of you).

11) Drive the speed limit. If you are late then you are late. Better late than dead.

12) The left lane is for passing.

13) The right lane is for slower traffic

14) Be Polite. Your children will learn from you.

15) When exiting the highway, if there is a line up, join it and wait in line with the others. Don’t
go in front of the line and butt in. It only increases the anger and hatred and aggression.

16) Become intuitive with recognizing other drivers' needs: if they need to turn, exit or change
lanes or even want to drive faster than you, let them. It doesn’t make you any less of a
human being. It makes you a better person to do what is right.

17) Do at least one thing nice on the road everyday. One good turn will create several.

18) Be Polite. It generates feelings of peace and love.

19) If you see someone in trouble, contact the authorities for them.

20) If you like your middle finger so much, dip it in jam and suck on it. Do not wave it about.

21) If you have excess aggression, take up competitive sport. I hear Boxing or Tae-Kwondo

22) Be Polite. Didn’t your mother teach you to mind your manners?

23) If the sign says, “lane ending, or “merge” move to the other lane in advance. Do not speed up and butt in without indicating. Signal……., someone will let you in.

24) A red light means STOP. A yellow or amber light means, slow down and get ready to stop,
especially if there is on-coming traffic waiting to make left turns. By speeding and continuing
driving, you are delaying everybody else. Wait a little. Stop, take a breath, admire the good
things, and think good thoughts while you are waiting. It will make you a better, happier and a
calmer person.

24) Always BE POLITE.

25) Remember, your children learn from you. Make them better future drivers by example,
being a better driver yourself.

Thank you for your co-operation, consideration and kindness.

I have no idea if the letter was ever printed in the Newspaper. It doesn’t make a difference because the driving is on the streets is worse. Sometimes, it seems like nobody really cares.

Letter to CFRB Talk 1010, Toronto

May 5, 2008

Firstly, I have to tell you how I admire your radio station and the work it does in educating, informing and creating awareness of issues that may sometimes be ignored or even taken for granted. All things and issues have pros and cons and there are people that believe passionately and people that disbelieve, as passionately. What is important, is that the awareness is created and for those who care, it is some way of moving towards change and for those who don’t, well, I guess that does not really matter. I also enjoy the humour.

However, there are some underlying relevancy issues that need to be addressed about certain topics that have been discussed at length or just mentioned ‘as matter of factly’.

Firstly, the issue about China and the supporting of Chinese products; in today’s very expensive world, the most important issue is survival. The adage “survival of the fittest” is true to its word. In college and school, the hip, intelligent and good looking survive, in business the most ambitious and business savvy survive, in life, in general, with matters that need attention such as a family, education, and just the basic rising cost of living and basic things like public transport need a lot of money, the thrifty and cautious or the rich survive. As the cost of living goes up, people need more resources to just get by basically, forget living ostentatiously. The Chinese products have brought cheaper, less expensive, equally compatible products to the market. It is a pity that their Human Rights policies are so bad. My heart goes out to the Tibetans suffering under the tyranny of China.
How is that the consumer’s fault, who is simply trying to survive?
I am also suffering under the tyranny of the gas companies, inefficient policies and the cost of living.

When South Africa was chastised for its apartheid, the whole world boycotted South African products. Governments worldwide had a say in it and through the Governments, the citizens. To chastise the consumer for buying something cheaper because it is of Chinese origin is wrong. We are only trying to survive by reducing our expenses.

Why don’t you address the greed of the gas companies or the inefficiencies of the Government that have led to the increased cost of living and to the ultimate demise of basic human concern?

The gas companies can dictate the price and blame it on the cost of crude oil but then claim to make profits of nine billion dollars in the just first quarter! How is it, that with costs rising, they managed to make a nine billion dollar profit?
How is it that when the price of crude per barrel goes up, the next day the price at the pumps goes up when that same crude will only show up at the pumps approximately one or two months later?
How is it that when a refinery is shut down for whatever reasons (or excuse), the price of gas goes up and when it is re-opened, the price of gas still stays up?
How is it that the little pie chart at the pumps can show an increase from 2% to 3% for the profits? That is a 50% increase in the profits and when they make the kind of money that they are making, that is a substantial amount I cannot get a 50% increase in my income!!
The price of crude undoubtedly went up, but the greed of the gas companies went up substantially higher!! Why has no one ever addressed that?

The middle class citizens are chastised for barely trying to survive amidst this price fixing and price gouging while all we are trying to do is feed our families and put food on the table and pay the bills.

If and when things can be found cheaper, they will be purchased and even though the consumer may have a choice, it is ultimately the responsibility of the Government. If the government does not approve the importation of those goods, then the Canadian consumer will not have them to purchase.

Unfortunately the Government will never take a stand on these issues.

Do you think the Government even cares of the Human Rights Issues in China?

The Government Institutions make money on every transaction that occurs from the importation license, to the duties, to the sales tax and the taxes and revenues earned from the businesses that deal in these products and the corporate taxes that these businesses pay.

Why else would Chinese products even be allowed in the country?

Despite the fact that Canadian owned businesses are suffering and some even have to close down because they cannot compete with the much lower priced goods from China.

What is the Canadian Government doing about this?
Human rights issues or not, the government does not really give a damn. If it says it cares, it is a pure form of lip service.

All it cares about is the revenue it makes. And of course, the more it makes, the more it wastes.

Why are the gas companies allowed to do what they do? The Nine billion dollar profit for Petro-Canada for the first quarter had to have made the government sizeable tax revenue. And as the gas prices rise, everything rises and soon the cost of living highly exceeds the earnings therefore promoting crime, increasing stress, depression, alcohol and tobacco and drug use and therefore increasing illness. You have also mentioned that the high cost of living is now leading to greater credit card debt which will ultimately lead to stress and stress related illnesses. So all the money made by the Government that could be put towards the good of the citizens, will be wasted in health care. Of course, this analysis requires long-term intelligent planning and we already know that the Government is not capable of that.

To put it politely, let us wipe the prodigal behinds first, then excrete and then complain about the skid marks!!! The priorities are all wrong and the sequences are all wrong.
The rising cost of living has led to the complete ignorance of humanitarian and social issues such as common courtesy, ethics, responsibility and reliability, trust and of course human rights. If something positive is done about the costs then people may consider spending more and boycotting Chinese products because of their human rights policies. The priorities right now lie in basic survival in a jungle of predators disguised as greedy gas companies, greedy pharmaceutical companies and an inefficient government.

And what are you doing about this?

There is so much concern about Human Rights in China and boycotting Chinese products!
What about the child labour in Mexico? I do not hear you asking your listeners to boycott Mexican vacation destinations or Mexican fruit or stop your tequilas. What about the rights of women and gays on the Arabian Peninsula? I do not hear you telling people not to eat the dates (that incidentally are doused with chemicals and preservatives) or to stop using gas as it came from a country that murders gays and treats women worse than animals.

We are bound in this spiralling vicious circle of double standards and doom and the only people that can change that are too busy attending to mundane issues or consumed by greed and inefficiency.

The inefficiency of the Government needs to be questioned.

Why is it that we have more health cards issued than actual people in Canada?
Why is it that people with criminal records are even allowed in the country?
How is it that they are supposed to be deported but are still here?
Why is it that honest hard working people who want to move to Canada are scrutinized so heavily while criminals enter and live here freely?

And now there is new bill proposed. A bill that requires all natural remedies and supplements to be available by prescription only. This is a ploy of the Pharmaceutical companies to protect their interests so that alternative natural remedies are not readily available. Not only is the whole bill a ridiculous idea, but it also will cost the government and hence the tax payers billions of dollars, hiking the already high cost of living even higher. OHIP has to cover the visits to the doctor for prescriptions, the consumer is now paying pharmacy prescription fees and supplements that do no harm at all but do only good are now not going to be available.

I have Multiple Sclerosis. When I was diagnosed, over two years ago, I used to fall down stairs, walk into walls and be constantly tired. I did not want to pay $35,000.00 annually for medication that I could neither afford, nor was I ever convinced that they did anything for the illness; probably only help my symptoms.

I went on Natural Remedies and Vitamin Supplements. Today, three years later, my symptoms are 85% gone and a recent MRI report shows no progression of the disease. The MS I am supposed to have only gets worse and it has not progressed thanks to the Vitamin supplements and the Natural remedies. I work full time, running a Corporate Catering business which requires a lot of time and energy. My supplements and natural therapies are my life line and now these are proposed not to be available.
In this day of free speech and choice, I am now possibly forced to poison my body and forced to consume the medications that have a high rate of death associated with them. Vitamins have no deaths. You will have noticed that medicine ads on TV: for every 20 second ad, there is a forty second blurb of side-effects.

Modern Day Communism disguised as Pro-Choice!!!

I went to the protest rally organized on Saturday and because the walk was so long, I went in a wheelchair with a sign “Don’t Kill Me, Kill the Bill.”

Sometimes I find that you bring up controversial issues because that is what you are paid to do but the follow up is highly lacking, igniting fires only to leave them burning.

Generally I enjoy your show and there will always be positive and negative comments.