The other night I was listening to Talk 1010 radio while doing my nightly exercise.
The host’s monologue was something about women in politics and even though I was concentrating on the count of my exercises, I got that he was talking about the role, women play in politics, questioning why there were more men than women in politics.
What got my attention is his use of the work "toxic" several times during his monologue. Mind you, I only heard this for about ten minutes but in those ten minutes he used the word "toxic" many times to describe the political environment.
I wish these same radio announcers would acknowledge that the whole world has become toxic; not just using the word as a metaphor but in the true sense of the word.
I guess more importance is placed in using the term 'toxic' so that the listener could understand what he was referring to.
What about the toxicity of our world and its effects on illness, on the ozone layer and on the environment?
What about the toxicity of our values and the effects on the youth who are to be the leaders of the future?
It is a little ironic how the term ‘toxic’ in its truest sense, is almost never used except to create a dirty rotten picture in the mind,
I have news for you. The term ‘toxic’ is as true as water is wet. That very water, in most cases is contaminated with harmful toxins in the name of ‘protecting’ our health - Why is there more chlorine in the tap water than in my pool water?
What is really toxic is everything in our world from our food, our water, our air, clothing, cosmetics, cleaners, our entire lives including our morals and values -where a good deed is buying the latest trend, or the most expensive look and where kindness and basic love for mankind is as guised as the chemicals dissolved in our water and the invisible poisons that are sprayed on our foods or used a preservatives to increase shelf life, or when advertising encourages lying so that a laundry detergent can be shown to remove the stains on a daughter's blouse that a mother caused when she secretly wore it, or when a toothpaste can miraculously remove stains that causes a model to lie and deceive.
This is when we know that the environment we live in is toxic in it's complete sense, and it is this very toxicity that needs to be addressed, in its entirety of what it has done to corrupt our world, our minds, bodies and spirits.
Where is my Erin Brockovich to expose and address this contamination?
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