Where oh where is my Erin Brockowich.........?

The other night I was listening to Talk 1010 radio while doing my nightly exercise.

The host’s monologue was something about women in politics and even though I was concentrating on the count of my exercises, I got that he was talking about the role, women play in politics, questioning why there were more men than women in politics.

What got my attention is his use of the work "toxic" several times during his monologue. Mind you, I only heard this for about ten minutes but in those ten minutes he used the word "toxic" many times to describe the political environment.

I wish these same radio announcers would acknowledge that the whole world has become toxic; not just using the word as a metaphor but in the true sense of the word.
I guess more importance is placed in using the term 'toxic' so that the listener could understand what he was referring to.

What about the toxicity of our world and its effects on illness, on the ozone layer and on the environment?

What about the toxicity of our values and the effects on the youth who are to be the leaders of the future?

It is a little ironic how the term ‘toxic’ in its truest sense, is almost never used except to create a dirty rotten picture in the mind,

I have news for you. The term ‘toxic’ is as true as water is wet. That very water, in most cases is contaminated with harmful toxins in the name of ‘protecting’ our health - Why is there more chlorine in the tap water than in my pool water?

What is really toxic is everything in our world from our food, our water, our air, clothing, cosmetics, cleaners, our entire lives including our morals and values -where a good deed is buying the latest trend, or the most expensive look and where kindness and basic love for mankind is as guised as the chemicals dissolved in our water and the invisible poisons that are sprayed on our foods or used a preservatives to increase shelf life, or when advertising encourages lying so that a laundry detergent can be shown to remove the stains on a daughter's blouse that a mother caused when she secretly wore it, or when a toothpaste can miraculously remove stains that causes a model to lie and deceive.

This is when we know that the environment we live in is toxic in it's complete sense, and it is this very toxicity that needs to be addressed, in its entirety of what it has done to corrupt our world, our minds, bodies and spirits.

Where is my Erin Brockovich to expose and address this contamination?

Thanksgiving? What are we doing about it?

It is Thanksgiving weekend and I am at home watching some old movies. I recently purchased over a hundred video tapes (yes, they still make them) at the local used goods store for about 0.49 cents each.

One of the movies I watched was Apollo 13 and it really touched my heart.
There is a clip of when man first walked on the moon and as Neil Armstrong sets foot on the moon, we hear the TV anchor echoing the words of the President. “One step for man and a huge leap for mankind.”
That one little statement made a strong impact on me. I had heard it before but it had never really affected me. Its true meaning eluded me completely.

Here we are in the final months of 2010. We have advanced technologically so much that I can barely keep up. We have made a lot of progress in the medical field and a lot of mistakes too by becoming slaves to the pharmaceutical industry and their profit motives. We have become more materialistic, more ignorant, more aloof and the more connected we get, the farther away we seem to move from the connections and relationships generations before us enjoyed.

Every year we celebrate Thanksgiving and have the traditional turkey feast while being thankful for friends, family and little mercies.

I feel we have lost sight of the big picture and the ‘huge leap’ that was talked about when man first walked on the moon.

We have disconnected from each other. The divorce rate is the highest I has ever been and hate, discontent and war are just ‘normal’ anomalies in our lives and we really have lost sight of who we are and where we are going.

It is important that we reconnect not just with our loved ones, but with the little semblance of humanity we have left to realize that the war, the hatred, the unrest, the materialism (that only puts huge profits in the pockets of the corporations) and the constant need to outdo, outwear and outshine others leads us nowhere. It just takes us to a lonely place that's filled with darkness and despair.

We need to reconnect with the simplicity of life, of love and of friendship that family friends and neighbors alike, bring into our lives. We need to reconnect and rekindle that flame of contentment and satisfaction that has almost burned out and we need to go deep within ourselves to seek and grasp the love for each other and humanity so that we may enjoy a future that is not one filled with war, hatred and strife but one abundant with light, love and harmony.

My letter to the 'alleged' terrorists.......................

My dear brothers (although I think you have lost the right to be called my brothers). Therefore I will re-address you.

Dear Enemies of Islam and Enemies of the World:

I am writing this letter to you with great disappointment and despondency. In Islam, despondency is considered a sin but I am despondent due to your actions and the nature in which you have behaved toward the world and how you have behaved toward our country. I say our country because Canada is our country. Mine and yours and for all those who live here.
Whatever you may say about your “mother country” and “back home” and “where the heart is” and all those idioms and adages, the fact is that you are now living here, IN CANADA, and by far, this is considered your home.
For sure that is the truth for me. This country, Canada, is my home and you have been accused with the intentions of violating and harming my country and my home.

I speak in general for most minority immigrants. We came to this country with a hope and vision for the future - A vision of a better future, a secure future and a better life. Most of us have had to work hard, doing jobs (jobs that in our countries of origin, servants would do). But we persevered. We persevered because hard work never hurt any one and time and time again we have been shown that with hard work, tenacity and perseverance, one can accomplish anything.
Some of us have had to lie to our families that we were doing really well and that we were living full lives while we were actually struggling and living like paupers, in the beginning.
For others, the struggle still continues. We struggle to survive, the struggle to do things we have never done before, the struggle to integrate without disintegrating, the struggle with children to maintain culture and traditions and to protect them from the negative influences of social vices and most of all the struggle to live without getting caught up in the constant materialism and “living up to the Jones’.”
Thanks to you and your evil intentions, this struggle has just become more difficult.

Canada is a land of immigrants. All Canadians are from immigrant backgrounds.. Everybody has lived through the struggle of survival. The latter generations reaped the benefits of the struggles of the former generations.
While Muslims, Indians, Africans, Europeans, Asians and people of other ethnic backgrounds and religions have had to work harder, be smarter, more efficient and have had to prove themselves over and over again, most survived and new immigrants of similar backgrounds aspired to be like them. New immigrants learned from the mistakes of the older immigrants and the older immigrants provided the support system that the new immigrants needed.

The trust in the Muslim communities was shattered with 9/11 and other acts of terrorism around the world. The media and the entertainment world have not helped by portraying Middle Eastern people as terrorists. Not all Middle Eastern people are Muslims and not all Muslims are terrorists.
We survived by informing people, educating people and most of all by example that showed that Islam was a religion of love and peace and, just as not all sparkling wines are Champagnes, not all Muslims are terrorists, not all African American people are drug pushers, not all Italians are mafia and not all Russians are part of the Russian mob.

You have successfully ruined all efforts that previous and present generations have put into the acceptance of the Muslim communities. Not only have you made us to be wrong but all the trust that the Muslim communities have worked so hard to establish, is like water down the toilet. The constant struggle for equality that we have demanded, fought for and achieved and the fact that we could walk side by side with the “White Canadians” with our heads held high with pride and bask in the glory of the small achievements, has all been ruined by your nasty, intentions of terrorism in this country - the country that opened its arms and embraced your communities, your families and yourselves.

We, the minority immigrants, are the envy of those who do not qualify to come and live here. You, who have that right, have abused it and ruined it for everyone else because your actions have led the whole minority culture to be re-judged and misjudged and of course your actions will now cause the rest of the genuine brothers and sisters who may qualify to come to Canada, to be examined with extra scrutiny.

The most upsetting fact is that while honest people go through gruesome scrutiny and are treated like criminals because of the likes of you and your actions, it is people like you that enter the country posing as honest citizens, with nothing but evil intentions that your religion forbids.

So, it is thanks to you and your kind that disunity exists within the Islamic world. You and only you, guided by some disgruntled and delusional leaders are responsible for anti-Islamic and inhuman behaviour toward the rest of the world.

To be inhuman is to be un-Islamic and you have by far surpassed that.
Your leaders say that you are innocent until proven guilty. I say you are guilty by your intent. In the eyes of the minority population of Canada, you are guilty of shattering our past efforts and our future, of shattering our dream, of destroying our lives.
By that very action, you are guilty.

I wonder if the rest of Canada will really believe that the seventeen of you, (two of whom are already in jail) were working on a gardening project with your three tons of explosive material. I wonder if anyone will believe your fairy tales about how sweet and innocent you are while you pervert God’s words to justify violence.

If you are so intent on killing and destroying, I suggest that you start with your own homes and your families. Destroy your homes and mutilate your families so that you can understand what it is like to have that happen. Destroy your families so that they can be spared the embarrassment and shame of having you as children who do the opposite of what Islam and all other Religions preach.

Fear not Jihadists,(you should look up the true meaning of Jihad) the gates of hell are opened wide and are awaiting your arrival while the rest of us work harder to correct the damage you have caused.

Your lawyers are vying for the public’s sympathy and trying to sway us off-track by making comments about ill treatment and abuse. Even if they were true, why didn’t you think of all the ill treatment and abuse that you were going to impose upon the people and citizens of Canada, some of them even your people?
In the Holy Koran, the Geeta and the Bible in some form or the other, it is said that all actions will reap reactions. Well, you sowed the seeds of injustice, and now it is only fair that you reap the fruit.

I would like to re-affirm my vows to re-pledge my family and myself to love and protect Canada and all Canadians; and if it means disengaging from the likes of you that are bent on doing the opposite, then so be it. I am sure I am not alone.

A heavy-hearted, grief-stricken and highly disappointed Muslim (I neither have the heart nor the intention of calling myself your brother).

P.S. I am a jihadi too but unlike you, I dedicate my life to preserving life and struggle to increase love, acceptance and tolerance.
The true meaning of Jihad is struggle. What you were going to do is no struggle. It is in fact against the very principles of Islam.

What the hell is happening to advertising?

Is it just me or has the marketing industry and in particular, the advertisements, gone bananas?

It almost seems like the ads on TV need to be rated before they air –
M for Moron, I for Incomprehensible and SS for Stupendously Stupid.
It is truly amazing and amusing.

It is not all of the ads but most of them leave me guessing as to what the message of the ad and what the product actually is.

I may not be a marketing expert but it seems to me that the whole point of advertising is to bring awareness to the uninformed and to convince them that they need to get or use the product.
Well half the time, the ads are offensive and the other half they appeal to some moronic level of intelligence which I refuse to believe, even exists.

Maybe it does.
Maybe the level of the intelligence has gone to the dogs (and yet dogs are intelligent) and the stupid, moronic human shown in ads appeals to the same in our population. Since the bottom line and desired outcome of the ad is to increase sales, I guess, the ad companies are appealing to an intellectually challenged population who like to see shreds of paper on a bear’s behind or men sitting and panting like dogs and being made to be ignorant and stupid.

Of course, the truth does not matter. As said on the X Files – “...........The truth is out there".
Nobody really tells the truth where consumables are concerned. They just want you to spend your hard earned money. After all the whole point is to make money and tuth, does not make money.
It is the illusion of the implied, the true meaning of which is unknown, even to the marketers themselves.

What is the world becoming?


Here’s a meditation I received in my in-box that seems pertinent to today’s material living from

Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote ... Jonathan Lockwood Huie -Insights for living simply; an Inspired Life.

We turn today to one of my favorite Russian writers. Feodor Dostoyevsky, who keenly points out...

Wealth is the number of things one can do without.

I don't know about you, but as I grow older (I'm 58 years old as I write these words) I have less and less interest in all the stuff I've bought, borrowed, or inherited during my years on this ball of dirt.

I mean, seriously, I could give away just about everything I own and never miss most of it for more than a few minutes.

I don't know if that's the slumbering mystic in me trying to get out of work so I can move to a mountain top and contemplate my navel for the rest of my days or if it's a serious aberration of some sort that's causing me to reject the American habit of constantly accumulating more and more stuff.

Honestly, though, I really do yearn for a day when I can live very simply with little more than the basic needs of life.

Well, let's meditate on Dostoyevsky's observation this coming week and see where it takes us.

Breathe in your stuff... hold... then breathe it out and let it go, completely.

Really let it go........................................................................

Life is a sum of all your choices
- Albert Camus

Silence means giving rest to the mind and this means giving rest to the body. Sometimes rest is the only medicine needed.
- Robert Foster Bennett

I recently heard.................................................

.......................A quote by Florence Foster Jenkins, a soprano of the forties.
"I am aware that people say I can't sing. But nobody can say that I didn't sing".